Training Employees to Spot Social Engineering

spot social engineering

Social engineering is one of the newest methods hackers use to access sensitive information. Rather than attacking a system directly, this technique relies on human psychology to gain information. This method is brilliant when you think about it because it does not have to deal with going past ironclad network security. If hackers can manipulate […]

Is Your Organization Prepared to Respond to a Security Incident?

Security Incident

One cybersecurity incident takes place every 14 seconds. Contrary to common assumptions, hackers are not only attacking big businesses. Everyone is now a target, from multinational corporations to small local businesses. With no discernible attack pattern, it’s hard to tell who the next victim will be. Owners must prepare all organizations with a cyber-attack response […]

The Top 7 Mobile Security Threats to Address in Your BYOD Policy

Mobile Security Threats

BYOD or Bring Your Own Device is a modern practice where employees use their personally owned gadgets – smartphones, laptops, tablets, or whatnot – for work. This is opposed to the traditional method of using company-issued equipment exclusively for work stuff which can have mobile security threats. The BYOD policy has several perks, such as […]

Why Cybersecurity Insurance Matters

Cybersecurity Insurance

As businesses move forward into a digital environment, cybersecurity insurance becomes even more crucial as online threats grow more advanced. Before, hackers only targeted large, high-revenue corporations since they had the money and the valuable information. But statistics show that over 40% of recent cyberattacks target small businesses. But what’s even more alarming is that […]

Top 5 Ways Your Business Can Be Impacted without a BDR Plan

BDR Plan

A backup and disaster recovery plan is crucial for every business, regardless of industry or the size of the enterprise. Disasters can stem from many situations, from natural calamities to online attacks or even a simple human error. Without a proper BDR plan, your business might easily get destroyed, possibly with very little hope of […]

The Role of Technology in Businesses in 2023

Technology in Businesses in 2023

Technology has always played a key role in businesses across different industries in 2023. But recently, this role has grown even more because IT is used more and more in businesses around the world. To draw more customers and stay ahead of the competition, you should understand all the changes and use them to your […]

January Recap: All You Need to Know About Social Engineering

This month, we covered a range of topics concerning social engineering. Social engineering is now considered one of the most prevalent risks when it comes to online security. Most hackers rely heavily on social engineering tactics to lure unsuspecting users to divulge information. It sounds complicated but it’s nothing more than the practice of manipulating […]

The Top 5 Ways Cybercriminals Use Social Engineering

Cybercriminals Use Social Engineering

Advanced technology and cutting-edge hacking techniques have been the main tool that cybercriminals use for online attacks. But did you know that the most effective method that hackers use for enticing victims online is something so much simpler? Cybercriminals use social engineering or in other words, manipulate people by establishing trust and playing on their […]

Where Does Social Engineering Scams Come from?

Social Engineering scams

Social engineering scams are so much more rampant these days than ever before. There will certainly be suspicious-looking items in your inbox when you check your emails, which are most likely phishing emails. Many people now know to avoid clicking these malicious emails, which is a good thing. But still, their vast amount makes you […]

What Is Social Engineering and How Can It Affect Your Business?

social engineering

Terms like phishing and malware have become very common terms these days because of their widespread use online. Did you know that these activities are but a small part of a much bigger operation known as social engineering? Definition of Social Engineering The term might be new but the practice has been going on for […]