What Is IT Compliance?

The term IT compliance is frequently heard these days in relation to running an organization and making sure that they keep within the regulations of a third party or a specific client. It is essentially a process that companies go through in order to keep within these predetermined guidelines or boundaries. The main goal of […]
January Recap: All You Need to Know About Social Engineering

This month, we covered a range of topics concerning social engineering. Social engineering is now considered one of the most prevalent risks when it comes to online security. Most hackers rely heavily on social engineering tactics to lure unsuspecting users to divulge information. It sounds complicated but it’s nothing more than the practice of manipulating […]
The Top 5 Ways Cybercriminals Use Social Engineering

Advanced technology and cutting-edge hacking techniques have been the main tool that cybercriminals use for online attacks. But did you know that the most effective method that hackers use for enticing victims online is something so much simpler? Cybercriminals use social engineering or in other words, manipulate people by establishing trust and playing on their […]
The Consequences of Not Having a Proper Disaster Recovery Plan

We have often talked about how having a disaster recovery plan is one of the most crucial elements of good business management. Despite our constant posts and reminders, however, there are still thousands of business owners all over the world that do not take disaster recovery seriously. Most businesses take precautions to protect other aspects […]
Quiz Time: Can You Handle Social Media Phishing Attacks at work?

Our last three blogs have discussed cybersecurity threats and how they affect businesses. We have talked about the dangers that stem from various types of malware. We have warned about the newest cybersecurity risks expected to wreak havoc on businesses soon. And in the face of the continuously growing popularity of remote work setups, we […]